Town Hall Use & Reservations

Town Hall Use & Reservations

The Town Hall and shelter are available for rent. Dates of when the hall is already rented are available on the calendar page. There are two levels for rental, upper and lower. The upper level can accommodate 120 people and the lower level can accommodate 110 people. Each level has a large gathering space, a kitchen, two restrooms, and access to the shelter and outdoor playground area. The shelter can only be rented separately if the building is not in use.

The facilities may be rented for meetings and events in accordance with the Town Hall Rental Policies. Please pay particular attention to the items below:
  1. Scheduling will be done by Deb Boehnen. She can be reached at 608-334-7164 for questions or concerns.
  2. The completed Town Hall Rental Agreement can be mailed or delivered to the Town Hall after you have called Deb Boehnen to make sure hall is available.
  3. For all reservations, a check for the security deposit of $200 (refundable) should be made payable to the Town of Cross Plains.
  4. A separate check for the proper rental fee (see schedule of fees below) as well as a check for the security deposit must be received at the Town Hall to complete the rental agreement before the Town Hall will be reserved for you.
  5. If more than one reservation application is received for the same time period, reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis according to receipt of the deposit and rental fee.
  6. Renter is expected to collect all trash, clean, and leave the hall and shelter in the same condition as prior to the event. Any cleaning or repair by the Town required because of renter’s use of the facilities will be charged to renter without limitation.
  7. The sale of alcoholic beverages is not permitted. Alcohol may be served to adults at adult and family gatherings that are by invitation only. Serving alcohol to minors is prohibited.
  8. Smoking in or near the Town Hall or shelter is prohibited.
  9. Renter agrees to indemnify and hold the Town harmless for any damage or injury to property or person occurring as a result of renter’s use of the Town Hall or shelter under this agreement.

Town Hall and Outside Shelter Rental Schedule of Fees
Security deposit (refundable) required for all rentals 
There is a 3-hour minimum for all rentals.

Town of Cross Plains residents:
     Upper level of Town Hall
     Lower level of Town Hall
     Entire building, full day 
     Outside shelter only 

     Upper level of Town Hall 
     Lower level of Town Hall
     Entire building, full day
     Outside shelter only

The Town Hall and shelter are available for rent. Dates of when the hall is already rented are available on the calendar page. There are two levels for rental, upper and lower. The upper level can accommodate 120 people and the lower level can accommodate 110 people. Each level has a large gathering space, a kitchen, two restrooms, and access to the shelter and outdoor playground area. The shelter can only be rented separately if the building is not in use.

The facilities may be rented for meetings and events in accordance with the Town Hall Rental Policies. Please pay particular attention to the items below:
  1. Scheduling will be done by Deb Boehnen. She can be reached at 608-334-7164 for questions or concerns.
  2. The completed Town Hall Rental Agreement can be mailed or delivered to the Town Hall after you have called Deb Boehnen to make sure hall is available.
  3. For all reservations, a check for the security deposit of $200 (refundable) should be made payable to the Town of Cross Plains.
  4. A separate check for the proper rental fee (see schedule of fees below) as well as a check for the security deposit must be received at the Town Hall to complete the rental agreement before the Town Hall will be reserved for you.
  5. If more than one reservation application is received for the same time period, reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis according to receipt of the deposit and rental fee.
  6. Renter is expected to collect all trash, clean, and leave the hall and shelter in the same condition as prior to the event. Any cleaning or repair by the Town required because of renter’s use of the facilities will be charged to renter without limitation.
  7. The sale of alcoholic beverages is not permitted. Alcohol may be served to adults at adult and family gatherings that are by invitation only. Serving alcohol to minors is prohibited.
  8. Smoking in or near the Town Hall or shelter is prohibited.
  9. Renter agrees to indemnify and hold the Town harmless for any damage or injury to property or person occurring as a result of renter’s use of the Town Hall or shelter under this agreement.

Town Hall and Outside Shelter Rental Schedule of Fees
Security deposit (refundable) required for all rentals - $200
There is a 3-hour minimum for all rentals.

Town of Cross Plains residents:
     Upper level of Town Hall - $25/hour
     Lower level of Town Hall - 
     Entire building, full day - 
     Outside shelter only - 

     Upper level of Town Hall - $40/hour
     Lower level of Town Hall - 
     Entire building, full day - 
     Outside shelter only - 